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  • Writer's pictureLauren Eylise

Social Distance & Introspection

Today marked day ____ of the government ordered social distancing requirement set in place in an attempt to curtail the number of coronavirus cases.

These are wild times. It almost seems too intense to be real. I am observing the emergence of so many fascinating themes. Duality. Illness versus wellness. Peace versus fear. I am grateful for this time. For even in spite of such immense and widespread panic and despair, there is an eye to the storm and a silver lining of hope.

I don’t believe in coincidences. And if on occasion I do, it is in the rarest of instances in which I am completely void of any interest in a deeper look into the matter. Even the shallowest of observations regarding this time yields outstanding revelation. The whole world as we know it has come to a halt. Never in this lifetime have I seen anything like it. There is no work. No party. No flight to catch.

There is only stillness. There is only reflection. There is only time with Self and those most intimate to us. It has its scarier faces, especially financially for those of us who work for ourselves or work in industries reliant upon close proximity to others in order to achieve any meaningful work. It is tough. However, it is also liberating.

If we use this time wisely, we will re-emerge renewed. Mother Earth has pressed the reset button. How will you manage your time out? I personally have been using this time to implement new habits and practices I‘ve longed to embody. I see my Higher Self clearly and it is my desire to show up as her — in my best and as my best. I am pouring into my passions and my work diligently. I am constantly unearthing new knowledge, reading new books and making new connections no matter the distance.

I’ve been gardening a lot more. I homeschool my son. I exercise consistently. I laugh even more consistently. I am in my kitchen shipping non-stop. All in all, this time is revealing Itself to be an APPOINTED time. Like a Saturn Return for us all. Where we see what has been working, what no longer works and how to make things better.

In every practice or ritual you set out to execute, you are strengthening vision, habit and connection. You are putting your artistic paint-stroke to the canvas of your being, of your life. Don’t hold back.

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